95% of cyber attacks are caused by human error


Get your team ready today

CAD $65.00 per user/year


Protect your team


Are you reinforcing your weakest links?

All that hackers need is a single user clicking on the wrong link. One user, one click... and the whole organization can get compromised.

Keep your team trained and updated so they don't bite the bait.

Train your team like big corporations do

(at a fraction of the cost)

Logo circle Premium Security Training
Logo circle Mandatory Quizzes
Logo circle Progress Reports
Logo circle Compliance Training
Logo circle Phishing Simulations
Logo circle Interactive Games
Logo circle Custom Drip Campaigns
Logo circle Policies Management
Logo circle Single Sign-On (SSO)
Logo circle Implementation & Deployment support

Don't wait until you get hacked. Act today.

Not sure?

No worries; you will start with a 10-day Free trial period so you can check it. No Credit Card or any kind of payment required.



SECURITY 101 is provided by POPP3R Cybersecurity, a Canadian Cybersecurity consulting boutique firm specialized in municipalities, SMEs and non-profit organizations.

Cybersecurity is all we do. And it works.


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